Co-creating the Circular Economy

Circular Solutions advises companies, governments and knowledge institutes on how to accelerate the transition to a sustainable society. We have specific expertise on biobased products, recycling and upcycling agri/food waste, plastics and rubbers. In addition, we advise on how to co-create circular value chains and public-private partnerships. Moreover, we train your staff to effectively communicate these to your customers.


Many organisations have publicly declared to become “sustainable”, “circular” or “carbon neutral”. It sounds great, yet, fact is that not many executives know how to make that transition. One of the greatest challenges in organisations is to change the behaviour of its people.

Here’s where Circular Solutions steps in.
In our workshops, we first intensively train on becoming more ‘open-minded’ to change by
* making the participants become aware of how their mind controls their actions and, next,
* how to step out of ordinary patterns. 

After that, we educate participants on what it means to transition from a linear- to a circular economy – for society, for their organisation and on a personal level. Furthermore, we make them aware of
how the transition impacts their professional environment. 

In the Final stage, we train participants on how to implement the principles in their work and how to communicate the transition with confidence to their employees / team / customers / shareholders / stakeholders.


For any questions, feel free to contact us by filling out this form:

    Why Circular

    What is this circular economy everyone talks about?

    circular transition

    Learn more about Ellen MacArthur's model.

    Meet the experts

    Meet our team - and see how how we can help yours!